The necessities of life

“The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.”

Carl T. Rowan

It has been observed that the kids with reading skills were able to perform better in most of the fields. Reading is one of those vital and essential skills that can really turn a common man into a man of thoughts and ideas.

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So why don’t we inculcate this habit in our children from early ages? Oh! Yes, we can do it.

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Use a study table: We can use them to make small libraries in our children’s room where they can read and enjoy.

Convert a wider-than-average hallway into a home library of sorts, with bookshelves flanking either side. Floor-to-ceiling shelves work great when possible, but using the half-wall adjacent to a staircase is a smart use of space as well. We like how the details (lighting, paint colors) are kept light and simple to keep the hallway-library (hall-library?) space feeling open.

Image result for libraryA small and a beautiful library can be made under the stairs too. Just arrange some small shelves and a collection of some terrific books to make it a perfect reading place for children. The combination makes everyone happy. 

Now some stylish corner shelves are also available in the market so those shelves can be placed in children bedroom with some amazing books which they can reeding before going to bed. 

Encourage children to read some realistic factual stories so that they will be finding it easy to understand practical life. 


“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.”

Henry Ward Beecher



Public Speaking- why don’t we call it a drama?

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Communication is the backbone of our society.
Many of us can communicate but not all of us can be the public speaker.

Public speaking skills make you different and prominent in society and bring more opportunities.
It makes you a more worthy candidate to move up and succeed in your chosen field.

According to a study by the sociologist, Andrew Zekeri, “Oral communication skills were the number one skill that college graduates found useful in the business world.”

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Why developing the confidence of public speaking is so important for children. Today’s children need to be confident enough to be successful in this fast-moving world.

“Public speaking” sounds so great, that’s why our kids get scared of becoming a public speaker, so let’s change the names of each activity, make it light and easy.

If we can minimize fear by changing the name then I believe we should do whatever is necessary.

Why don’t we call it drama, why don’t we call it “giving a monolog” or “playing speeches”?

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Before taking a test when we tell our kids that we are going to take a test so sometimes they get confused or nervous, so if we change the name of a test into practice then it may help them do the test confidently.

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.”

– Alexander Gregg

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We can help children understand the concerns of the audience. Ask them: Who is listening to them? Are they their classmates, their teachers or just family members? What level of knowledge do they have in the subject children are going to speak about? Ensure that they tailor the content to their audience. Ask a child if they find their own speech boring. This can be an important gauge on whether the audience will doze off.

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Avoid pointing out their negativity points, negatively. Tell them that you are doing a good job but if do add this thing it will look perfect. Use positive words to correct their mistakes.

Study apps for students

Mobile phones or tablets can be really useful for students. Most of us search and find some mobile applications which can help our children completing their assignments, homework or even the class work.

Some of them can be so amazing and helpful to organize all the plans and timetables too.

Most of the students don’t like to write down long and descriptive notes or important points to understand the lecture, so they can capture the picture through RefMe and can make their work easy.

1. RefME – Android/iOS/Web, Free

This nifty app uses your phone’s camera to scan a book’s barcode and create a citation formatted in MLA, Chicago, or whatever format your school uses.

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Now students can easily make colorful digital flashcards using study blue.

2. StudyBlue –Android/iOS, Free

Allows users to upload class study materials, create electronic flashcards to study and share with others, and practice quizzes.


3. Evernote – Android/iOS/Web, Free

A tool that allows you to capture a note or memo in any format (web clip of a product or service review for reference, the photo of a business receipt, audio file, or text meeting or handwritten notes).

4. Oxford Dictionary – Android/iOS, Free

The mobile version of the Oxford University Press’ Oxford English Dictionary.

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5. Dragon Dictation – iOS, Free

Just start talking into Dragon Dictation and it’ll convert everything for you digitally, which you can paste into other apps, send us an email message, or save it for later.

6. GoConqr  Android/iOS/Web, Free

Access great learning resources like Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes, Slides and Notes, or use the GoConqr app for social learning and connect and collaborate with friends, classmates and learners in Groups.

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7. Office Lens – Android/iOS/Windows, Free

This app from Microsoft takes pictures of documents, whiteboards, blackboards, magazines, receipts, and more and converts them into editable, shareable text. It can read images event from an angle and cleans up glare and shadows too.

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8. myHomework Student Planner – Android/iOS/Windows, Free

myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you track your classes, homework, tests, and projects so you never forget an assignment again.

9. SimpleMind  iOS/Android, Free

Create mind maps to help you organize your thoughts, remember things and generate new ideas.

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10. Google Drive  iOS/Android, Free

Save and store all of your documents online so that your work will be safe if your laptop crashes. You can also work offline and collaborate on a document with your classmates.


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 “Who can occupy your patience when impatience roars through you? Your life is yours to live, no matter how you choose to live it. When you do not think about how you intend to live it, it lives you.” 

Children are imaginative, confident, creative and fearless so why do we discourage their creativity, and imagination if they get low marks in any of the subjects?

Well, most of the times kids can be our motivator too. Last week I was so tensed about one of my assignments but then I saw my aunt’s youngest child was playing with his toy car after some time it broke down he got little upset but then he fixed that with some rubber bands and his this action really motivated me to not give up and try. I did some research and completed my assignments.

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Children literally believe they can do anything (become a superhero! be the world’s first veterinarian/ballerina!). Research shows imitating their ability to look on the bright side can increase your ability to get jobs, brainstorm new ideas, and become an overall more successful employee.

I think we all must spend at least an hour with kids they are the great teachers too.
Take a few hours to enter their world of make-believe.
“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” 

– Theophrastus

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Kids always pick themselves up whenever they fall down and get back at it.

Deep down, our children don’t care how exciting a date we plan for them – they just want us.

Trust is a priceless commodity that is not easily earned and very easily broken. Commitment to the relationship conveys a sense of worth and security to the child. 


Kids can be our real and true friend they will always give us honest advice. 


Creativity Concept

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‘I wish I was creative’. These are frequent statements I hear from teachers, students, parents, businessmen etc.

Well everyone is born creative, however, this creativity can be sharpened through daily practice or experiences. Many of the people still think that creativity means something related to art (sketching, coloring etc). Creativity is not just about sketching or coloring skills, creativity can be in your ideas, thoughts, writing skills, something that is different in you than others is creativity. It is this innovation and imagination that many employers and companies seek to attract in their candidates. They want the creative thinkers, the challenges and the risk takers on their team.

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So why don’t we encourage our children to be creative? to be different? whenever we see something in our children that other children aren’t doing we discourage our children. Why is it so? when in future only creativity is important so why are we asking them to be the same, follow the same wrong path that most of the people follow?  We want them to get amazing marks in English because others also got it but what about mathematics? he is good at mathematics. How can we expect him to be same as others when Allah has created everyone creative in a different way. Why do we compare our children with others?  Comparing our children’s creativity with others and then stressing them to be like them, is same as asking a fish to run, or a bird to swim deep under the ocean. We all are unique in our own way.

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With this fast moving world, we can’t stay in the same position if we try to stay in the same position we will be not able to enter the modern world of opportunities. If others aren’t moving faster does not mean that we also have to go slow and follow them. Or if we really wish to follow, follow the best in the world not in the city only or in the country but in the world be the best when you are gifted by Allah.

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Many of us still want to follow and choose the old traditional education system for our children where kids are forced to not be creative just be the rote learners with zero concepts, so much surface learning, and deep learning is not really important. What are we really up to?

Children learn better when they are ready. Why stress them out? We must encourage them to start but should never force them it destroys their creativity.




Making resolutions with your children can be fun and exciting

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It’s again time for growth and change, and an opportunity for family bonding. Most of the families want to sit together but due to some engagements they don’t get enough time to sit together sometimes, but it is very important to take time for your family and discuss or share ideas and thoughts.

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Well, busy families like mine wait for some occasions and event to spend quality time together with children and the entire family. So the new year’s first day is one of the days when we get time and we go for outings with family. We must make sure to make each day productive and a great learning day. Making resolutions can be productive too.

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The big question parents have at this point: Should you make resolutions for your child? Most experts say no. You can guide and suggest general categories for change, help your child clarify goals, and make sure they’re age-appropriate, but kids should come up with resolutions themselves. This is how they take ownership of their goals and learn to plan.

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We must appreciate their little positive actions and should ask them to continue those good things, avoid expecting so much from the children as they won’t be able to continue.

Turning a good intention into a habit is “one of the most important skills we can teach our kids,” says Dr. Carter. “It’s the key to happiness in life.” She suggests that parents help kids break their resolutions down into “ridiculously easy turtle steps.” “Self-discipline is like a muscle that grows slowly,” she says. “If you do too much at first, you will get fatigued and not be successful.”

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Dr. Goodman also believes in breaking down broad resolutions into specific, easy-to-do steps.



  • I will help more around the house … by setting the table for dinner.
  • I will improve my reading … by reading 15 minutes before I go to bed.
  • I will eat more healthful foods … by eating one fruit at breakfast and one vegetable at dinner.
  • I will offer prayers.
  • I will observe fast.
  • I recite the Quran every day.

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Winter activities for your kids

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When it’s cold out and the kids are excited for the chance to go out and play, well you cannot let them play in such cold weather but you can involve them in some amazing activities in which they will enjoy as well as will learn too. 

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Call your lovely kids in the kitchen and turn on that warming oven to bake a cake of their favorite cartoon character. 

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When it’s cold outside, and your winter’s vacation too, then one of the best ways to keep warm and entertained is to snuggle up under the blankets and watch a winter-themed movie.

Some suggestions for kids’ movies with a winter theme:

  • Snow Buddies
  • Eight Below
  • Snow Dogs
  • Happy Feet
  • Mr. Popper’s Penguins

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Are the kids getting restless from being cooped up indoors? If playing in the snow has lost its charm, try making some of these creative crafts with your kids to break their cabin fever. 

Winter vacations can be the quality time that you can spend with your kids, tell them some Islamic stories too, wake them up for namaz and make them recite Quran. 

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Grandparent Biography

This is another good activity for teenagers, although 10-year-olds can do it too. Do you live in a joint family, with parents or uncles and aunts? Grandparents are often lonely but full of memories of their childhood. Children love listening to their stories. Get your child to record and transcribe an interview with a grandparent or much-loved uncle/aunt about their childhood. You can then “publish” it (along with pictures) and distribute to family and friends. Here are a few questions to get them started on an interview with grandma:

  1. What are the names of your parents and brothers and sisters? Did you have a nickname?
  2. When and where were you born? When and where were your parents and brothers and sisters born?
  3. What kinds of things did your family do together when you were young?
  4. Who were some of your friends? What did you do with your friends?
  5. What schools did you attend? What were your favorite subjects? Who were your favorite teachers?
  6. How did you meet Grandfather?

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Can we enhance our child’s IQ through a stimulating environment at home?

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According to psychologist John Protzko, kids that get early exposure to educational resources will gain a higher level of IQ and give them a leg up on their peers. The idea is to have early exposure to maths and make learning fun and memorable. Having a good maths program can engage children with dialogue, probing questions, props, games and a healthy dose of encouragement.

We all are created intelligent, practice makes our mind sharper.

Research shows it is possible to create a highly conducive environment for cognitive and emotional growth.

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When I was young my father used to ask me some smart questions like; I have 100 rupees but I want to give you 175 rupees so that you can buy your favorite candy how much rupees should you take from your mother? and then I used to answer my father.

When I turned 16 my mother used to play online games with me to increase my IQ. In 12th grade, I applied to PAF for entry test,  around 120 people were there almost everyone got failed an IQ test but I cleared with flying colors. Because I was given such an environment at home.

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A child surrounded by books and educational toys will leave a positive imprint on their brain, which will follow through into their late teens.

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Demonstrate concepts of numbers as I already discussed, “You have three candies, I’ll give you two more, now you’ll have five” or “Dinner will be ready in five minutes”. Not only does this train their cognitive skills, but it also builds your child’s problem-solving and language skills.


Color is something that gets through this filter especially well. Have your children use colored pens color code notes or words to emphasize high importance. You can have a picture of a traffic light on the wall and he can use green, orange, and red in order of importance – like the traffic light.


And always remember to appreciate your children on little things!

Surprise is awesome

We all love surprises, and we never forget them. Some surprises can be life-changing. 

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Researchers at the University of Magdeburg in Germany discovered that the hippocampus, a part of the brain that helps process and store information, becomes more active when people are faced with shocking information or stimuli compared to the familiar. As a result, your brain remembers more details about things that elicit surprise compared things you expect. By providing an encounter with the unexpected, you can jolt a person out of their mindset and into the present. Two benefits can follow. The sudden positive emotion can replace a momentary darker one. In addition, over time, expectations themselves can shift. This is particularly helpful if a person needs more optimism in their life. Finding happy surprises can eventually temper a response to the unexpected, shifting what was once a reaction of fear or aversion to the unknown into curiosity. 

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Whenever you want your children or students to remember something give them a surprise, this is one of the smartest ways to encourage children towards the goals achievement.  

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People who experience surprise are more likely to share that experience with others, which makes surprise a wonderful tool if your social following is inactive.

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If children usually look at you and make you their hero then just remember that you have a big responsibility because they are going to learn from you too… Because children always learn from the ones whom they like, you must have a surprising attitude which should attract them and should motivate them. Always surprise your kids with your talking or teaching style, or play with them or do any activity which they were not expecting from you. 

It surprises me how much children like me, you know? If they look at me as an example, I have a big responsibility.

Mario Balotelli


Are your children healthy eaters?

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Healthy eating can help children maintain a healthy weight, avoid certain health problems, stabilize their energy, and sharpen their minds.

Narrated Sa`d:

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “He who eats seven ‘Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them.”

When you want to maintain a healthy diet plan for your child, you must keep some essential points in mind. 


Focus on overall diet rather than specific foods. Kids should be eating more whole, minimally processed food—food that is as close to its natural form as possible—and less packaged and processed food.

Be a role model. The childhood impulse to imitate is strong so don’t ask your child to eat vegetables while you gorge on potato chips.

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Disguise the taste of healthier foods. Add vegetables to a beef stew, for example, or mash carrots up with mashed potato, or add a sweet dip to slices of apple.

Cook more meals at home. Restaurant and takeout meals have more added sugar and unhealthy fat so cooking at home can have a huge impact on your kids’ health. If you make large batches, cooking just a few times can be enough to feed your family for the whole week.

Get kids involved in shopping for groceries and preparing meals. You can teach them about different foods and how to read food labels.

Make healthy snacks available. Keep plenty of fruit, vegetables, and healthy beverages (water, milk, pure fruit juice) on hand so kids avoid unhealthy snacks like soda, chips, and cookies.

Narrated `Aisha:

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used to love sweet edible things and honey.

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Limit portion sizes.

Narrated `Umar bin Abi Salama:

I was a boy under the care of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and my hand used to go around the dish while I was eating. So Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to me, ‘O boy! Mention the Name of Allah and eat with your right hand, and eat of the dish what is nearer to you.” Since then I have applied those instructions when eating.


Never force your children if they don’t want to eat something, teach them to respect food and if they don’t like they should leave that without telling people that it is not good or tasty. 

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ﷺ) never criticized any food (he was invited to) but he used to eat if he liked the food, and leave it if he disliked it.

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