Focus and follow through now, or experience the devasting pain of regret later.

Many of the teachers, students parents are still struggling to focus on their given tasks, most people have lower level of focus, and without focusing we can’t achieve our targets.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

– Eleaner Roosevelt

If we, all teachers get United to bring a great change in the field of education than nothing can stop us at all.
“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.”

In 20 years, students will incorporate so much independence in to their learning process, that mentoring will become fundamental to student success but if we nurture them in way that they should become responsible themselves, so our lives will become many times easier and we will have a brilliant group of people in future.
Students would be positively reinforced during learning processes if we focus. This can result in to positive learning experiences and will diminish the amount of students losing confidence about their academic abilities.

“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”
Jim Rohn


5 ways to develop a child’s interest in any subject

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell

Most of the parents, as well as teachers, find it difficult to develop students’ interest in different subjects, but if we use the right way so it’s pretty easy to make any subject interesting for learners. 

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We must avoid getting most of the work done by ourselves we can involve children, let’s make them the driver let them sit on the driving seat and get their work done, give them some extra tasks. 

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  • Ask children for the cross-checking.

  • Give some more responsibilities to the children who don’t show much interest in any subject. 

  • Give extra tasks which should be exciting.

  • Add a flavor of their interest in each subject, for example, if a child likes to watch cricket but doesn’t like to attend Math class, so engage them by explaining topics with cricket flavor talk about the angles in a cricket ground, etc. 

  • Debate controversial issues by creating a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Create an Internet scavenger hunt to find out information. 

  • Use multimedia software to conduct case studies.

  • Use the Internet to research specific countries around the world.

  •  Make the topic relatable.

  • Start by asking a question.

  • Tell a story.

  • Connect your topic to current events or trends.

  • Inject humor.

Motivate the children, and tell them that they can do it. 

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Make some plans for difficult students with proper plans it is very helpful to get the work done smartly.  

Thomas Paine
Nothing is hard in this world if we are ready mentally,  so be ready and rock. 


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Tips To Understand Your Child’s Psychology Better


Parenting is more than just providing comforts for your children. It is being there for the child emotionally and providing them a sense of security.  Sometimes parents think that it is difficult to understand kids or its so easy that there is no need to talk more to understand a child more.


Parents get upset when children behave differently and they think that they couldn’t nurture them properly. Well, parents must understand that there are different stages of a child living in which he changes his nature thinks in a new way. If parents try to understand the psychology of a child there will be no problem. Parents must avoid comparing your child with other children, as that not only adds stress to parenting but also makes the child feel inferior.


Do ask yourself a few questions that can help you understand the kids’ psychology.

  • What does the child like to do the most?

The answer to this question will help parents discover so much about a child, in fact, parents can predict the future happenings too.


  • How does he react when he has to do something he does not like, such as eating vegetables, sleeping early or doing homework?

Now, here parents can plan some strategies to overcome this problem indeed it will not be a problem.


  • How social is he? Is he willing to share or try new things?

Parents can children to be socialized if they are not, parents observation can play a vital role in a child’s development.

  • How long is the child taking to familiarize himself with his surroundings? Is he able to adjust to the changes in the environment?

If a child is not flexible in a new environment find the reason, in this is how parents will be easily able to understand a child’s psychology.


The Quran is the word of Allah

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The role of parents is crucial in helping children develop a strong and loving bond with the Qur’an. We need to encourage our kids to understand the Quran for that teaching them the Arabic language is also essential. It is the most important book which should be understood by us.
Start even before our children are born, our own practice will be reflected in our kids.

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“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah.” (Surah Al Baqarah 2:2)

We can play the audio recitation of the Qur’an around our kids a few minutes at a time.

Just tell kids enough to capture their attention and interest. Things should be told in the way that should grab their attention and interest level should be increased, most of us just making our kids scared of Allah but tell them very less that how much Allah loves us, style of delivering should be age appropriate to make it easy for children to understand.

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“We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an although you were, before it, among the unaware.” (Surah Yusuf 12:3)

Allah  tells us quite a few stories in the Qur’an, and each story comes with a lesson and/or an inspiration.

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We must avoid forcing our kids, interest can be developed gradually our daily practice can be a great motivation for our kids, so we should try to recite Quran in front of our kids.

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah’s hearts are assured.” Surah Ar-Ra’d 13:28

Make it a habit to explain to kids the virtues of the Qur’an such as healing and good deeds. We must avoid giving them some tangible gifts or make it rare, they should learn the importance of the gifts from Allah.
“And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers…” Surah Al Isra’ 17:82

We can do some activities with the family or friends and can come up with appropriate games based on facts from the Qur’an.

At night, Islamic stories should be told to our kids rather than frictional stories.

Our kids should learn to trust Allah.


How many languages can a child learn simultaneously?

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Most of us think that learning multiple languages can be difficult for children, well that’s not true at all because most of the children in the world can speak multiple languages which means that it’s a not difficult task.

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Indeed there are plenty of benefits for the multilingual, such as improved executive functioning skills—the ability to think flexibly, demonstrate self-control, focus attention, and tune out distractions.

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Research has found that the patterns of brain response of bilingual infants to speech are different from those of infants whose families speak only one language. Bilingual children show continuous improvement in discriminating between two languages—for example, Spanish and English—from 9 months onward (Garcia-Sierra et al., 2011). Increased exposure to both languages seems to be related to an improved ability to discriminate between the two.

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China is one of the largest countries. China population is equivalent to 18.41% of the total world population. So if a child learns Chinese he will be able to communicate with around 1,418,228,618 people. If he learns Arabic too so the first most amazing thing is that he will be able to understand the Quran which is essential.
A child will be able to communicate with other 407-420 million people who speak Arabic.

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Well, there are several benefits of learning and teaching different languages simultaneously but we need to give an environment as well if not possible at home so must be given in the schools.

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The first step to teaching children a foreign language is to start as soon as possible. Start now, no matter how old child is. Even babies can learn a foreign language if they are exposed from birth.

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Studies have shown that people who are bilingual are better at tasks that require multi-tasking and attention focusing than monolinguals. Brain scans show they have more gray matter in the regions of their brain that are involved in executive function. The hypothesis is that the effort to constantly choose the right language at the right time provides a “mental gymnastics” for bilinguals which gives them extra practice in focusing their attention.

“A different language is a different vision of life.”
Federico Fellini


Steps for an effective problem-solving process.

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“I don’t want people to say, ‘Something is true because Tyson says it is true.’ That’s not critical thinking. ”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Can your children be taught to solve problems? This question arises in many of the parents’ mind. So the answer is, yes.

Being parents we must teach our kids to understand and control their feelings and calm down, well some physical exercises can really help in this regard.

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We need to know what the problem is before they can solve it. Why do they feel angry or upset? Remember this problem belongs to your child so let him solve the problem. The more problems they solve, the easier it is to think of solutions. One time they might not get the right solution but later. So we must avoid poking our noses into their problems, we must observe how do they really solve the problem. If they start finding the solution themselves, they will be able to sharpen their critical thinking skill. Which is one of the core skills.

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We must teach our kids to make find the safest solutions, before finding any solution they must ask themselves the following questions; A safe solution means no one will be hurt or upset. Is the solution fair? How will everyone feel?

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If the solution does not solve the problem, a child can try one of the other solutions he came up with.

We can even do some activities with our kids to sharpen this skill, we can share some of our problems with them and can wait for their solutions, ask them how is it useful?

“We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill… it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress. ”

Li Ka-Shing
Whenever I come across the problems I ask my child to help me and I literally get amazing solutions and suggestions. I feel so much relaxed.

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We can select children’s books where the characters encounter a problem.

“It’s sort of a mental attitude about critical thinking and curiosity. It’s about the mindset of looking at the world in a playful and curious and creative way. ”

Adam Savage

All these skills are essential and are the life skills which our children must learn.


We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

Jules Renard

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Habit is something which decides your future. It won’t be wrong if we say that good habits make a great career.

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So it means that we can design our children’s bright future by teaching them the right things now.

Excuses are useless! So we must avoid saying that the child is too young to be good at this or that. When we ourselves make excuses then children learn to make excuses too.

“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”

John Dryden

In fact, the famous writer Charles Dickens attributed his success to habits of punctuality, order, and the determination to focus.

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Challenge yourself and Do Hard Things

When a person sticks to a mission he accomplishes it too. Making strong plans will always make you win, yes you may not win sometimes, your heart might get broken sometimes, but until unless you don’t feel the pain of losing you can’t enjoy the exciting flavor of success too.  So many times you might not be able to make something a habit of your child but yes if you put all your energy so you may. You cannot succeed in life without first achieving personal growth, which demands a willingness to accept and overcome difficult challenges. According to the Athletes Way philosophy, there are a number of daily lifestyle choices that can help to create the perfect balance between physical fitness and mental agility. There are numerous studies that have proven a link between the two, and it is increasingly clear that regular exercise is a key driver of enhanced mental performance. So if you wish to develop the necessary stamina to achieve personal and professional success, a physically fit body is pivotal.

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“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”


The learner’s brain is HIGHLY influenced by environment.

A well-designed, safe, and responsive environment is an essential ingredient in learning.

Many of the parents forget to observe the environment while choosing a learning place, school’s or home’s pleasant environment is the main pillar which develops an interest in learning.

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In our previous blog, we already discussed the importance of the environment. Learning is the process of absorbing new information in a meaningful way and putting it to use but if the environment of the place where the learner learns, is not appealing learning cannot take place the way it should take.

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Likewise, Hawkins and Overbaugh (1988) studied exemplary Japanese and American schools finding increased learning in schools designed to reflect community values. In these schools, cleanliness and care emerged as the most important factors.

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When we shortlist a learning place for our kids we must make sure that the building is well maintained, classes are appealing and artwork should be inspiring to many colors and over designing can leave a negative effect on brains.

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. Accordingly, in computer classrooms, technological equipment, and classroom settings can enhance psychological comfort and the learning environment. With this in mind, seemingly subtle differences in interior design/layout, as opposed to the larger matters of architectural design and floor-plan, were assumed to influence the perceptual performance of design students. To verify this hypothesis, the atmospheric attributes of two computer classrooms used to teach 3Dmax and AutoCAD drawing programs at the Department of Furniture and Decoration of Technical Education Faculty at Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, were tested by eliciting responses to ten bipolar semantic differential items on a Likert-style scale. Results showed that differences in the environmental settings of each classroom had an important influence on the perceptual evaluations of students.

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All these research works indicate the importance of an appealing environment.

Progress is impossible without change.


Make prayer a priority for yourself first

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Prayers, well most of us leave Fajar’s prayer and expect from our children to offer, when I was a child I use  to observed my grandparents offering namaz which encouraged me to offer prayers five times a day, although I still sometimes skip during the traveling, which is not right at all and I feel so heavy and unpeaceful when I don’t offer any prayer, it feels like that if someone is continuously whispering in the ear and asking me to offer. 

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No matter where you are if you’re outside or on the road, when you realize its prayer time, pull over and let your kids see you keep your prayer.


The easiest way to make this your child habit is by writing this in your goal list somewhere in your diary. 


  •  We want our child to form a habit of praying.
  • We want our child to love to speak to their Lord.
  •  We want to implement in our child a desire to pray.
  • We want our child to understand that it’s an obligation and not a choice.

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Now think how can we encourage our kids to offer five times a day,

  • Remind your child in a pleasant way.
  • Ask your son if he’d like to perform the adhan and call everyone to prayer.
  •  Encourage your children to pray in jummah (congregation) with one another to get more reward.
  • Perform your prayer in front of your children, whether they join in or not.

We are living in the modern world where everything can be really easy to plan and accomplished so we can easily download some mobile applications and can set the alarm for each prayer which will remind us as well as our children to offer prayers and gradually it will become the habit. 

Step by Step Salat is a mobile app can guide about how to pray in Islam. Using step by step Salat will help fulfill the obligation of Islamic prayer. 


Being Muslims we must make our kids understand the importance of namaz. 


In every success story, the longest chapter is the one about determination.

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“Success” sounds so heavy! But but but is it really heavy or we are just making it heavy by not trying and considering it a luck game. Well, luck works but no luck works when we don’t. So we can say that success seems to be connected with our actions. Just actions? or positive actions?Obviously positive actions but we must make sure that our plans for a successful life should be well prepared and it should be on a hard copy too.

Image result for LIFE GOALS CLIPARTPaste your success plan in ” code words” in your bedroom to get the motivations each day and to ignore the negativity and be focused. 

Today, while I was driving I had no positive thought left in my mind and was just thinking what are my gaols why am I driving, working or going to different places? I was actually distracted I just forgot my goals and all of sudden I turned on the FM in my car and one of the songs ( My wish) which I used to listen to motivate myself was being played, which reminded me, my past and how I planned things, that song just motivated to drive back to the right road which will lead me to my destinations. 

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When we plan to achieve something we see so many negative people, roads, ideas, suggestions, in fact, the places as well but they should not become the source of demotivation for us at all. When we see any negativity just decide to change it with positive actions or if it’s not possible so let’s ignore that thing. If we start taking everything to our heart we won’t be able to live the life of our choice. 

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Emit the positive energy it’s my personal opinion when we think to achieve something no matter how difficult the way is, we achieve that thing in the end amazingly. 

We are all born determine but our ideas can sharpen our determination and all successful people around the globe say the same thing. 

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Let’s make people happy but it’s also a truth that we cannot make everyone happy too so no worries. If most of the people are happy that’s more than enough. We are all bad in someone’s life, so it’s okay. 

“Whatever is done with the heart will always be awesome. “


Research has shown that our minds are sharpest in the morning and that is when we should tackle the big things. So we must: 

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 Most of the people say that we must do the difficult things first but I would suggest doing the easier things first, which can be done quickly otherwise you get bored doing one project.