5 ways to develop a child’s interest in any subject

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell

Most of the parents, as well as teachers, find it difficult to develop students’ interest in different subjects, but if we use the right way so it’s pretty easy to make any subject interesting for learners. 

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We must avoid getting most of the work done by ourselves we can involve children, let’s make them the driver let them sit on the driving seat and get their work done, give them some extra tasks. 

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  • Ask children for the cross-checking.

  • Give some more responsibilities to the children who don’t show much interest in any subject. 

  • Give extra tasks which should be exciting.

  • Add a flavor of their interest in each subject, for example, if a child likes to watch cricket but doesn’t like to attend Math class, so engage them by explaining topics with cricket flavor talk about the angles in a cricket ground, etc. 

  • Debate controversial issues by creating a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Create an Internet scavenger hunt to find out information. 

  • Use multimedia software to conduct case studies.

  • Use the Internet to research specific countries around the world.

  •  Make the topic relatable.

  • Start by asking a question.

  • Tell a story.

  • Connect your topic to current events or trends.

  • Inject humor.

Motivate the children, and tell them that they can do it. 

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Make some plans for difficult students with proper plans it is very helpful to get the work done smartly.  

Thomas Paine
Nothing is hard in this world if we are ready mentally,  so be ready and rock. 


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