In every success story, the longest chapter is the one about determination.

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“Success” sounds so heavy! But but but is it really heavy or we are just making it heavy by not trying and considering it a luck game. Well, luck works but no luck works when we don’t. So we can say that success seems to be connected with our actions. Just actions? or positive actions?Obviously positive actions but we must make sure that our plans for a successful life should be well prepared and it should be on a hard copy too.

Image result for LIFE GOALS CLIPARTPaste your success plan in ” code words” in your bedroom to get the motivations each day and to ignore the negativity and be focused. 

Today, while I was driving I had no positive thought left in my mind and was just thinking what are my gaols why am I driving, working or going to different places? I was actually distracted I just forgot my goals and all of sudden I turned on the FM in my car and one of the songs ( My wish) which I used to listen to motivate myself was being played, which reminded me, my past and how I planned things, that song just motivated to drive back to the right road which will lead me to my destinations. 

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When we plan to achieve something we see so many negative people, roads, ideas, suggestions, in fact, the places as well but they should not become the source of demotivation for us at all. When we see any negativity just decide to change it with positive actions or if it’s not possible so let’s ignore that thing. If we start taking everything to our heart we won’t be able to live the life of our choice. 

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Emit the positive energy it’s my personal opinion when we think to achieve something no matter how difficult the way is, we achieve that thing in the end amazingly. 

We are all born determine but our ideas can sharpen our determination and all successful people around the globe say the same thing. 

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Let’s make people happy but it’s also a truth that we cannot make everyone happy too so no worries. If most of the people are happy that’s more than enough. We are all bad in someone’s life, so it’s okay. 

“Whatever is done with the heart will always be awesome. “


Research has shown that our minds are sharpest in the morning and that is when we should tackle the big things. So we must: 

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 Most of the people say that we must do the difficult things first but I would suggest doing the easier things first, which can be done quickly otherwise you get bored doing one project. 


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