Learning to cook is an essential life skill for your child

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“I tell a student that the most important class you can take is technique. A great chef is first a great technician. ‘If you are a jeweler, or a surgeon or a cook, you have to know the trade in your hand. You have to learn the process. You learn it through endless repetition until it belongs to you.”

Jacques Pepín

Cooking or baking is somewhere between an art and a science, well in my childhood my mother used to watch Masterchef cooking competition, so I also used to watch that with my mother, then I planned to cook something awesome and participate in that competition. 

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I was 7 when I took permission from my mother, she allowed me to invent a new dish under her supervision. She was not saying anything to me, I added whatever I got, I didn’t even taste that, I presented to my father and he appreciated a lot which boosted up my confidence level, well when I tasted that, then I realized how bad it was, it was just tasteless.


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There’s room for creative chaos, but there are also ordered rules to be followed. 

  • choosing a recipe
  • searching the fridge and pantry for ingredients
  • making the list for extra grocery shopping
  • washing and chopping and mixing the items in the right order
  • watching you set the stove

Above all cooking is the most essential life skill which our children must know, functional life skills are skills that we acquire in order to live a better, more fulfilling life. They enable us to exist happily in our families, and in the societies in which we are born.

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When we teach our children how to cook, we actually make their life easier and healthy. Our children won’t order junk food or will order rarely if they know cooking. They will know the values and ingredient of each food.

  1. Learning to cook is an essential life skill
  2. Learning to cook encourages learners to be more independent
  3. Cooking is an outlet for creativity.
  4. Cooking encourages healthy eating. They are more likely to eat what they’ve had a hand in preparing.
  5. Cooking introduces kids to a variety of fresh foods and interesting ways of preparing and cooking those ingredients
  6. Cooking teaches language skills (cooking vocab like sauté and simmer), maths (measuring, weighing, fractions), and science (by mixing bicarb and acid and heat, the cake rises).
  7. Kids learn how to read and follow step by step instructions.
  8. It’s fun!

To me, there’s no great chef without a great team.


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