The power of feedback

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When John Hattie reviewed over 500,000 research studies, he found that feedback had more impact on student results than any other teaching strategy.

The feedback that you give to learners helps them close the gap between where they are now with their work, and where they could be. 

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The goal of feedback is to motivate learners to perform better and to provide students with insight that helps them to improve their performance. 

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Professor James Pennebaker from the University of Texas at Austin has been researching the benefits of frequent testing and the feedback it leads to. He explains that in the history of the study of learning, the role of feedback has always been central.

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Sandwich feedback:

When you write feedback to students, you should always start with some positive points, then write about the weak areas, give your suggestions or solution and in the end appreciate and motivate your students to do much better in future. 

Considering how to give effective feedback to your students:

  • Use affirmation with all students, but make sure you are affirming their performance rather than praising them as people.
  • Use correct and direct feedback to help inexperienced and struggling students with a particular task.
  • Point out the process when you want to help your students use your feedback to complete similar tasks in the future.
  • Coach experienced and gifted students to critique themselves.

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Timperley and Hattie note that effective feedback is most often oriented around a specific achievement that students are (or should be) working toward. When giving feedback, it should be clear to students how the information they are receiving will help them progress toward their final goal.

A good teacher never feels satisfied if he discourages any learner, teacher’s comments should never be demotivating for learners, the teacher must write well-planned remarks or feedback, which should address learner’s mistakes but in a positive way, which can be motivating for him/her. 


“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer


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